Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Bittersweet End.

This is my last semester as a bible college student, and it has been pretty bittersweet. I have enjoyed the last few years, but the last two semesters have proven to be the most difficult. Don't get me wrong. The workload has been pretty light; I mean I didn't have any classes this semester, and only a couple last semester, so it has been for the most part uneventful. Therein lies the rub. Last semester I had a night class and was there only once a week, and this semester, well as I mentioned earlier, I haven't even had to go at all. The problem is that I miss the interaction, especially with other like minded Christians, young and old alike. I miss the camaraderie and friendship between fellow students. I long for discussing deep theological concepts and debating dogmatic preferences. These are things that serve as a reminder that I'm on the track that I'm supposed to be on. It is easy, when you remove yourself from that environment, to become engrossed in the day to day routine that you gave up to enter into the pastoral field, caught in a period of waiting; between graduation and gainful employment in your field of choice. And so there I am, getting up, going to work, coming home, playing daddy, playing hubby, going to bed, and doing all over again the next day: a dangerous predicament to say the least. How easy it would be to simply keep my current job and continue on for the next several years, never giving another thought to the ministry, but that's not what I was called to do.
It has been a long and difficult journey, full of ups and downs, trials and triumphs, but I am confident that as long as I seek to do God's will for my life, I'll be alright. May will be here before you know it and then... well, who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Babe~I wish you would write more on here. I love to read your writing.

    Love you
